Friday, February 27, 2009

How to be last in the retrenchment list?

If the current global economic situation continues, we are headed for recession whether we like it or not. There is a pool of things that we can do to make sure that we stay last in the retrenchment list. This is not a fool proof list, but at least it should serve as a guide for us to cling on to our job.

Put in the extra hours. If you are the type that is always the first one to dash out on the dot when the clock strikes 5.00 pm. I suggest you to sit back, take a deep breath and do some of the things due which you need to do the next day. If you have completed all your work ,then maybe you can start doing some planning. It is a good time to put on your thinking cap and start thinking on how you can be more beneficial for the company. Hey!! they have been feeding your needs all these years, and that is the truth. So it is payback time. If you have completed all your work and you really have nothing to do. The least you can do is to cut down the surfing on your office hours and do it after office. When the final crunch comes at least your clock out would show, that you did put in the extra hours.

Accept additional responsibilities. If you are the type who says, I will only do what I am paid for. Now is the time to re look at the policy. Usually employers will look for the staff who holds least responsibilities to chop off. It reduces collateral damage on their side. Your new substitutes will not have to learn too many things, thus makes you easily replaceable. Accept as many responsibilities as possible even though you are overloaded with work, you can always follow advice number one to get more time. Show some enthusiasm.

Promote yourself. At times like this you can never ever expect anyone to talk good things about you. You are lucky if no ones bad mouths you. So you have to do your own PR job. Make sure that your boss is aware of your extra capabilities and most importantly make sure that he appreciates it. When telling people especially your boss on what are your achievements are, do it sincerely and don't boast. That attitude will definitely get you into trouble.

Do not be hostile. This is the time to make peace with the other personnel in the office. Firstly you do not want to anyone to bad mouth you. Secondly bosses want the troublemakers out. They will have enough to worry about such as sustaining the business and they do not want to be drawn into solving office politics. Maintain a cordial relationship with your colleagues, this is not the time to flex your muscles. Its time to use them to help the company.

And always remember,

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

Good luck in keeping our job.

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